Meet the team

We're here to help. Below, learn our top fundraising tips and favourite things about Christmas!


Top Fundraising Tip:

“It’s a great idea to ask people in a few different ways to find out which works best for your network! Sharing on Facebook, direct messages, emails or in person – give them all a go and see what people react best to.
Share you page today and give it a go!

Favourite Christmas Memory:

“When I was about 7, ‘Santa’ gave my brother and I a trampoline and it was the greatest gift I could’ve imagined. We spent hours together playing on that thing when we were young. Now, I love seeing my nieces beam with excitement on Christmas Day - the joy of Christmas as a kid in unmatched.”

Why I love working at The Smith Family:

“It’s fantastic to have a job where you know that the people you work with are all making a meaningful impact. Every day I get to speak to people who want to fundraise for The Smith Family and it’s so incredibly heart-warming to know that we are all in this together, helping kids who need it the most”.


Top Fundraising Tip:

“By making the first donation to your fundraising page you’ll show your family and friends just how much it means to you to help children impacted by poverty. When others see your generous gesture, they'll be more likely to hop on board and join in on giving this Christmas!”
Make a donation to your page now.

Favourite Christmas Memory:

“When I think about my favourite Christmas memories, one of them has to be the pure magic of putting up the Christmas Tree every year as a child. I remember dusting off the ornaments, untangling the lights, and everyone in my family taking turns to decorate the tree. I felt like I was on cloud nine, and filled with so much excitement!”

Why I love working at The Smith Family:

“I love being able to work for an organisation that is making such a difference to the lives of children in need. Seeing firsthand how the funds raised can support a child to create a brighter future for themselves is truly inspiring.”

Contact Us

 Please reach out if you have any questions, we are here to help you receive as many gifts as possible under your Giving Tree.

We love chatting all things Christmas!