Have fun and raise funds by hosting an event!

A key consequence of child poverty is the likelihood of poor educational outcomes – the relationship between disadvantage and leaving school early is very strong.
Your fundraising event will help break the cycle of disadvantage in Australia. 


Start Fundraising


Getting started...


Welcome Kit

We’ll send you a welcome kit with everything you need to help your fundraising efforts. Be sure to include your mailing address when registering so we can send it to you! 


Fundraising Coach

We're here to help in any way we can. Contact us if you'd like some extra support, or if you just have a question! 



Tell your supporters how much The Smith Family means to you by writing a blog post on what made you choose to host a fundraising event. Just head to your dashboard and click ‘edit your page’ to get writing.



From posters, to email signatures and facebook banners - we've got plenty of resources availabe to help you promote and run your event. See below for more.

We're here to help!